Eve Ai Yi Liang's new song: 'Gei Ta de Hua' or literally translated 'words for her'. She says in her description of her song: " "In terms of actual age, I am no longer young, but I try to keep a young and brave heart in my creations and motivations. What I give to "her" is actually for you. If there is really an important gentle power in your life and you can use it freely, please cherish it. This is what I want to tell myself too. "
留戀有過的 輕狂
Liúliàn yǒuguò de qīngkuáng
(Longing for the past light and crazy days)
感慨曾經為了誰 蕩漾
gǎnkǎi céngjīng wèile shuí dàngyàng
(Feeling sad for whom I once swayed for)
shēnbiān suǒyǒu péngyǒu a
(All the friends around me)
dōu hěn nán zài àile ba
(Find it hard to love again)
zěnme yǒudiǎn xīnhuāng
(Why do we feel a little nervous?)