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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Jam Hsiao/ Xiao Jing Teng 蕭敬騰- Xin Bu Liao Qing 新不了情 pinyin lyrics+ video

心若倦了 泪也干了
xin ruo juan liao, lei ye gan le
这份深情 难舍难了
zhe fen shen qing, nan she nan liao
曾经拥有 天荒地老
ceng jing yong you, tian huang di lao
已不见你 暮暮与朝朝
yi bu jian ni, mu mu yu zhao zhao

这一份情 永远难了
zhe yi fen qing, yong yuan nan liao
愿来生 还能再度拥抱
yuan lai sheng, hai neng zai du yong bao
爱一个人 如何厮守到老
ai yi ge ren, ru he si shou dao lao
怎样面对一切 我不知道
zen yang mian dui yi qie, wo bu zhi dao

回忆过去 痛苦的相思忘不了
hui yi guo qu, tong ku de xiang si wang bu liao
为何你还来 拨动我心跳
wei he ni hai lai bo dong wo xin tiao
ai ni zen mo neng liao
jin ye de ni ying gai ming liao
缘难了 情难了
yuan nan liao qing nan liao

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  1. wei he ni huan lai bo dong wo xin tiao

    correct version:
    wei he ni huan lai wo dong wo xin tiao

    not bo.
    and thanks for the post. very nice lyrics.
    isn't it better if u able to translate to english so i able to understand the song better? :P

    1. Read it correctly, it's bo not wo

  2. Thank you for feedback, however, we checked with the official lyrics, and it's "bo dong", and according to HanZi, it's also bo dong...

    And translation...yes, that would be ideal, but at the moment, this is the best we can do...maybe in the future.. thanks again for leaving a comment!

  3. actually is
    "wei he ni hai lai, bo dong wo xin tiao"
    Its not huan, its hai.
    The word 还 has two pronuciations. In this case is hai, not huan.
    Thanks (:

    1. Yikes,what a mistake... thanks benjamin for the feedback..


  4. I always heard it as "发动我心跳", which I guess shows what I know . . .

  5. Nice chinese song. Love it!

    from malay boy.

  6. J’aime bien la version de Jam Hsiao mais je préfère celle de Wanfang
