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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wei Li An 韋禮安-有沒有 You Mei You

Turn off the radio
Turn off the lights you know
听见了谁的痛 在空气中
ting jian le shei de tong zai kong qi zhong
不断跳动 又那么沈重
bu duan tiao dong you na me shen zhong

Turn on your favorite song
Turn off what I did wrong
听见了谁的伤 在窗户旁
ting jian le shei de shang zai chuang hu pang
安静的想 是什么力量
an jing de xiang shi shen me li liang

你 有没有爱过我
ni you mei you ai guo wo
you mei you xiang guo wo
有没有 有没有
you mei you you mei you
ye hui you yi dian xin dong de shi hou
dan shi shuo bu chu kou
有没有 后悔 还是只有我
you mei you hou hui hai shi zhi you wo

Turn on the radio
Don't wanna care anymore
也许没有承诺 比较轻松
ye xu mei you cheng nuo bi jiao qing song
也不会有 沈重的枷锁
ye bu hui you shen zhong de jia suo

Turn off your favorite song
Just like there's nothing wrong
ye xu shi jian yi jiu
jiu hui yi wang
jiu zhen de dang
shi wu hui yi chang

你 有没有爱过我
ni you mei you ai guo wo
you mei you xiang guo wo
有没有 有没有
you mei you you mei you
ye hui you yi dian xin dong de shi hou
dan shi shuo bu chu kou
有没有 有没有 有没有
you mei you you mei you you mei you
you mei you
有没有 有没有 有没有
you mei you you mei you you mei you

Turn off my radio

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