Wednesday, December 21, 2011

SPECIAL: English Translation : JJ 林俊傑 Lin Jun Jie - 學不會 Xue Bu Hui (Never Learned) chinese pinyin lyrics

你的痛苦 我都心疼
nǐ de tòng kǔ wǒ dōu xīn téng
Your suffering, makes me feel pained

xiǎng wéi nǐ jiě jué
(I) Want to solve it for you

dǎng kāi liú yán jǐn wò nǐ shǒu
(Will) block the rumours,

紧握你手, 想飞奔往前
xiǎng fēi bēn wǎng qián
hold your hand tightly, (and ) to run swiftly forward

我相信爱 能证明一切
wǒ xiāng xìn ài néng zhèng míng yī qiē
I believe love , can prove everything

够真心 会超越时间
gòu zhēn xīn huì chāo yuè shí jiān
With enough sincerity, it will surpass time

多付出 也多了喜悦
duō fù chū yě duō le xǐ yuè
(even though) sacrifice more, also gain more joy

ràng xìng fú màn yán
Let the happiness spread

总是学不会 再聪明一点
zǒng shì xué bù huì zài cōng míng yī diǎn
Always have never learned, to be a little cleverer

jì de zì wǒ bǎo hù
To remember to protect oneself,

必要时候讲些 善意谎言
bì yào shí hòu jiǎng xiē shàn yì huǎng yán
In times of need , need to tell some good intentioned lies

总是学不会 真爱也有现实面
zǒng shì xué bù huì zhēn ài yě yǒu xiàn shí miàn
Always have never learned that true love has a realistic side

不是谁情愿 就能够解决
bú shì shéi qíng yuàn jiù néng gòu jiě jué
It’s not about who’s willing. (as if) this will solve problems

一次争吵 一个心结 累积着改变
yī cì zhēng chǎo yī gè xīn jié lèi jī zhe gǎi biàn
A quarrel, A knot in the heart,(it’s like)changes (in life)are being accumulated

内心疏远 足够秒杀 外 表多浓烈
nèi xīn shū yuǎn zú gòu miǎo shā wài biǎo duō nóng liè
Hearts are drifting apart, enough to instantly kill, (even though) how strong it appears to be

才发现爱 不代表一切
cái fā xiàn ài bù dài biǎo yī qiē
Only realised that love is not everything

再真心 也会被阻绝
zài zhēn xīn yě huì bèi zǔ jué
Even with more sincerity, it will still be blocked/ denied

这世界 天天有诡雷
zhè shì jiè tiān tiān yǒu guǐ léi

This world today, has traps/bombs everyday
suí shí huì bào liè
That can at anytime explode

还是学不会 少浪漫一点
hái shì xué bù huì shǎo làng màn yī diǎn
Still have not learned, to be less romantic

pīn mìng zhuó xiǎng de shì
Even doing utmost in thinking considerately

未必带来感动 或被感谢
wèi bì dài lái gǎn dòng huò bèi gǎn xiè
may not make someone touched, or may not be thanked by the person

还是学不会 解释我最伤
hái shì xué bù huì jiě shì wǒ zuì shāng
Still haven’t learned to explain that I’m the person who is most hurt (the most hurt person)

最累痛死都不愿 怪谁
zuì lèi tòng sǐ dōu bù yuàn guài shéi
(Even if) I’m the most tired, most hurt to death, I still am unwilling to blame others

把每段痴情苦恋 在此刻排列面前
bǎ měi duàn chī qíng kǔ liàn zài cǐ kè pái liè miàn qián
Will arrange every sorrowful relationship (that I had), in order, in front of me

也感觉 不埋怨, 只怀念
yě gǎn jué bù mán yuàn
And will not complain, just will miss it

总是学不会 再聪明一点
zǒng shì xué bù huì zài cōng míng yī diǎn
Always have never learned, to be a little cleverer

jì de zì wǒ bǎo hù
To remember to protect oneself,

必要时候讲些 善意谎言
bì yào shí hòu jiǎng xiē shàn yì huǎng yán
In times of need , need to tell some good intentioned lies

不是学不会 只是觉得爱 太美
bú shì xué bù huì zhī shì jué de ài tài měi
It’s not that I never learn, but just that I feel that love is too beautiful

值得去沉醉 流泪
zhí de qù chén zuì liú lèi
It’s worth to be immersed in it, and to shed tears (for it)

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  1. thanks for translation.. keep do it :)
    but can you find this Mv with eng sub?
    really need n want it >,<

  2. Thank you so much fer the translation!!!!

  3. Thank you for thanking us!! :)

