Tuesday, June 25, 2024

TRANSLATION: Eric Chou 周興哲 - Youth (Follow Your Heart 颜心记 OST) / Qing Chun Yao Yong Ji Hang Shi Lai Xie pinyin lyrics


(Pls note that below is my translation of the lyrics and it may differ from the official video.) 

打開 青澀的曖昧 不存在誤會 也不討論是非
Dǎkāi qīng sè de àimèi bù cúnzài wùhuì yě bù tǎolùn shìfēi 
(Opening the chapter of youthful ambiguious love, with no misunderstanding, and right or wrong)

夜風 穿越幾條街 也沒人續杯 或許冷靜 了誰
yè fēng chuānyuè jǐ tiáo jiē yě méi rén xù bēi huòxǔ lěngjìngle shuí 
( The night breeze passes thru a few streets, and no more drinks are being served and maybe I'm calming down)

而我 也無從理解 是誰的告白 從此漫天 紛飛
ér wǒ yě wúcóng lǐjiě shì shuí de gàobái cóngcǐ màntiān fēnfēi 
(For me, I can't understand whose confessions of love is flying all around me and into the sky)

於是 想起些細節 回憶斟滿杯 到底 應該 敬誰
yúshì xiǎngqǐ xiē xìjié huíyì zhēn mǎn bēi dàodǐ yīnggāi jìng shuí
(So, while thinking of the details, and filling my cup, who should I be toasting to?) 

總有些 青春永遠無法 只用幾行詩 描寫
zǒng yǒuxiē qīngchūn yǒngyuǎn wúfǎ zhǐ yòng jǐ háng shī miáoxiě 
(Some days in our youth can never be depicted with just a few lines of poetry) 

也不是 只用幾個章回 的小說就能 了解
yě bùshì zhǐ yòng jǐ gè zhāng huí de xiǎoshuō jiù néng liǎojiě 
(It also cannot be understood with a novel of a few chapters) 

故事裡 傷悲淒美心碎 沒有一件事 絕對
gùshì lǐ shāng bēiqī měi xīn suì méiyǒu yī jiàn shì juéduì 
(In this story, sadness and heartbreak, nothing is absolute) 

zhǐ néng píng zhíjué 
(All you can rely is your intuition/heart) 

是妳說 有些青春無法 只用幾行詩 來寫
shì ni shuō yǒuxiē qīngchūn wúfǎ zhǐ yòng jǐ háng shī lái xiě 
(You said, some days of our youth cannot be told with a few lines of poetry)

那初戀 微酸了好幾回 倔強卻思念 著誰
nà chūliàn wēi suānle hǎojǐ huí juéjiàng què sīniànzhe shuí 
(Though first love cause sourness a few times in me, but I am still stubbornly longing for it)

這成長 反覆某些情節 也無法再收回
zhè chéngzhǎng fǎnfù mǒu xiē qíngjié yě wúfǎ zài shōuhuí 
(Such growing pains repeating in some details, can never be undone) 

shuí xiān ài shàng shuí 
(Who fell in love first?)

年少 像什麼季節 雨後的氣味 一彎深秋 的水
niánshào xiàng shénme jìjié yǔhòu de qìwèi yī wān shēnqiū de shuǐ 
(Our youth, what kind of season is it? The smell after the rain, like water in the autumn?)

暗戀 跟風在告別 有某種無邪 開始滿山 遍野
ànliàn gēnfēng zài gàobié yǒu mǒu zhǒng wú xié kāishǐ mǎnshānbiànyě
( A crush, saying goodbye to the wind, in some kind of innocence  that spreads throughout the mountains) 

所謂 理想跟熱血 該怎麼結尾 怎麼做才 無悔
suǒwèi lǐxiǎng gēn rèxuè gāi zěnme jiéwěi zěnme zuò cái wú huǐ 
( The so called ideals and passion, how to end it, what to do to not regret in the future)

以上 所說的這些 在跟誰對決 或許 根本 無解
yǐshàng suǒ shuō de zhèxiē zài gēn shuí duìjué huòxǔ gēnběn wú jiě
(All of what I have said above, who am I truly fighting, I still cannot understand) 

總有些 青春永遠無法 只用幾行詩 描寫
zǒng yǒuxiē qīngchūn yǒngyuǎn wúfǎ zhǐ yòng jǐ háng shī miáoxiě 
(Some days in our youth can never be depicted with just a few lines of poetry) 

也不是 只用幾個章回 的小說就能 了解
yě bùshì zhǐ yòng jǐ gè zhāng huí de xiǎoshuō jiù néng liǎojiě 
(It also cannot be understood with a novel of a few chapters) 

故事裡 傷悲淒美心碎 沒有一件事 絕對
gùshì lǐ shāng bēiqī měi xīn suì méiyǒu yī jiàn shì juéduì 
(In this story, sadness and heartbreak, nothing is absolute) 

zhǐ néng píng zhíjué 
(All you can rely is your intuition/heart) 

是妳說 有些青春無法 只用幾行詩 來寫
shì ni shuō yǒuxiē qīngchūn wúfǎ zhǐ yòng jǐ háng shī lái xiě 
(You said, some days of our youth cannot be told with a few lines of poetry)

那初戀 微酸了好幾回 倔強卻思念 著誰
nà chūliàn wēi suānle hǎojǐ huí juéjiàng què sīniànzhe shuí 
(Though first love cause sourness a few times in me, but I am still stubbornly longing for it)

這成長 反覆某些情節 也無法再收回
zhè chéngzhǎng fǎnfù mǒu xiē qíngjié yě wúfǎ zài shōuhuí 
(Such growing pains repeating in some details, can never be undone) 

shuí xiān ài shàng shuí 
(Who fell in love first?)

翻了翻 好幾頁 關於妳 說的一切
fānle fān hǎojǐ yè guānyú nǎi shuō de yīqiè 
(Turned a few pages of everything you have said)

語氣裡 的憔悴 不再零碎
yǔqì lǐ de qiáocuì bù zài língsuì 
(The haggardness of your tone is not in bits anymore) 

是妳說 有些青春無法 只用幾行詩 來寫
shì ni shuō yǒuxiē qīngchūn wúfǎ zhǐ yòng jǐ háng shī lái xiě 
(You said, some days of our youth cannot be told with a few lines of poetry)

那初戀 微酸了好幾回 倔強卻思念 著誰
nà chūliàn wēi suānle hǎojǐ huí juéjiàng què sīniànzhe shuí 
(Though first love cause me sourness a few times in me, but I am still stubbornly longing for it)

這成長 反覆某些情節 也無法再收回
zhè chéngzhǎng fǎnfù mǒu xiē qíngjié yě wúfǎ zài shōuhuí 
(Such growing pains repeating in some details, can never be undone) 

shuí xiān ài shàng shuí 
(Who fell in love first?)

而我說 有些青春卻也 只能用詩來 描寫
ér wǒ shuō yǒuxiē qīngchūn què yě zhǐ néng yòng shī lái miáoxiě 
(But i say, parts of our youth can only be depicted through poems) 

用感覺 醞釀文字的美 愛紛飛如蝶
yòng gǎnjué yùnniàng wénzì dì měi'ài fēnfēi rú dié 
(Using our feelings to write beautiful words which spread around like butterflies flying)

卻不知 到底要用幾頁 去描述著離別
què bùzhī dàodǐ yào yòng jǐ yè qù miáoshùzhe líbié 
(But I dont know how many pages need to be used to illustrate this goodbye )

我放不下 誰
wǒ fàng bùxià shuí
(I cant let go )

Please note that this translation is on best effort basis :) If you do take it out of our blog, please credit us. Thank you. 

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