Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Love Song of the Week - Wu Ding Jay Chou 周杰伦+ Landy Wen - Rooftop 屋頂 (Top Karaoke Song) pinyin

I decided to revisit this classic song that many people like to sing in karaoke. 
It was composed and the lyrics was written by Jay Chou for Jacky Wu released in 1999. But in 2001, Jay Chou resang it with Landy Wen.  

Here is the karaoke video. The lyrics below will indicate M and W and T (together)  for those who want to sing along. 

Original Post: 27/3/09  Updated 1/8/24

(男)半夜睡不着觉 把心情哼成歌
(M)  ban ye shui bu zhao jiao, ba xin qing heng cheng ge
         zhi hao dao wu ding zhao ling yi ge meng jing

(女)睡梦中被敲醒 我还是不确定
(W) shui meng zhong bei qiao xing, wo hai shi bu que ding
        zen hui you dong ren xuan lu zhai dui mian de wu ding
        我悄悄关上门 带着希望上去
        wo qiao qiao guan shang men, dai zhe xi wang shang qu
        yuan lai shi wo meng li chang chu xian de na ge ren

(男) 那个人不就是我梦里那模糊的人
(M) na ge ren bu jiu shi wo meng li na mo hu de ren
        wo men you tong yang de mo qi

Monday, July 29, 2024

English Translation: Li Rong Hao- Lian Ren (Lovers) 李榮浩-戀人 pinyin english lyrics

愛像是一場小雨Ài xiàng shì yīchǎng xiǎoyǔ
(Love is like light shower of rain) 淅瀝瀝淅瀝瀝 滴入我回憶xīlì lì xīlì lì dī rù wǒ huíyì
(Pittering Pattering into my memories)愛又像一場旅行走停停走停停ài yòu xiàng yīchǎng lǚxíng zǒu tíng tíng zǒu tíng tíng
(Love is like travelling, stop and go, stop and go)忽然遇見你hūrán yùjiàn nǐ
(Suddenly when I met you) 停下了足跡tíng xiàle zújì
( I stopped my footsteps)是否還是不太喜歡吃香菜shìfǒu háishì bù tài xǐhuān chī xiāngcài
(Do you still not like eating coriander?)到現在都沒改dào xiànzài dōu méi gǎi
(Has nothing changed till now?)那雙原來最喜歡的匡威鞋帶nà shuāng yuánlái zuì xǐhuān de kuāngwēi xié dài
(The pair of converse shoelaces that was much loved) 現在卻解不開xiànzài què jiě bù kāi
(Is now entangled)

Sunday, July 28, 2024

袁綺翎Yuan Qi Ling -去我們的遠方 Qu Wo Men de Yuan Fang 'Somewhere we belong'(Netflix Victim Games OST) chinese pinyin lyrics


去一座煙山 刪除背後的影子
Qù yīzuò yānshān shānchú bèihòu de yǐngzi 

去一座碉堡 埋葬純真的故事
qù yīzuò diāobǎo máizàng chúnzhēn de gùshì 

不然 去一片蒼藍海 出發之前我們什麼都不是 
bùrán qù yīpiàn cāng lánhǎi chūfā zhīqián wǒmen shénme dōu bùshì 

不然 去一片風鈴谷 重生之路不如現在就開始
bùrán qù yīpiàn fēnglíng gǔ chóngshēng zhī lù bùrú xiànzài jiù kāishǐ 

Chinese Music Chart Top 10 Chinese Songs: Pinyin Lyrics- 5th Week JULY 2024

Its the last week of the month- July, and Energy is still NO 1!
Here are the Top10 Chinese songs of the week: 

Top 10 Chinese Songs of the Week-5th Week July 2024

1.  Energy-HERE I AM

Kimberley Chen Fang Yu- Love me more

3. 動力火車-催眠
Power Station Dong Li Huo Che- Cui Mian

4.  AP潘宇謙-在你身邊
AP Pan Yu Qian- Zai Ni Shen Bian

Gao Yi Xuan feat. Pai Wei Jun- HOLD ON

Friday, July 26, 2024

English Translation: Fei Dao Er- Neng Yu Jian, Jiu Hen Bu Cuo Le 菲道尔Firdhaus - 能遇见,就很不错了


茫茫人海之中 我找到我的家
Mángmáng rén hǎi zhī zhōng wǒ zhǎodào wǒ de jiā 
(In the vast sea of people, I found my home) 

wǒ bù zhīdào wǒmen wèilái huì zěnyàng 
(I don't know what our future will be) 

但有你在 我很心安
dàn yǒu nǐ zài wǒ hěn xīn'ān
(But as long as you are here, I feel at ease)

你說你想 陪在我身旁
nǐ shuō nǐ xiǎng péi zài wǒ shēn páng 
(You said you wanted to be by my side) 

Monday, July 22, 2024

English Translation Yoga Lin You Jia- Chen Fa (Punishment) 林宥嘉 懲罰 Suffocating Love OST English Lyrics, pinyin, Video


(Below translation is my own translation :) 

惡臭 潛伏於四周
Èchòu qiánfú yú sìzhōu 
(A foul stench lurks around)

有根煙囪 逆插在喉嚨
yǒu gēn yāncōng nì chā zài hóulóng 
(There's a smoke funnel that's stuck in my throat) 

叫我 怎麼有胃口
jiào wǒ zěnme yǒu wèikǒu 
(It makes me not have appetite) 

一顆酪梨 都讓我作嘔
yī kē lào lí dōu ràng wǒ zuò'ǒu 
(Even an avocado can make me vomit) 

húlún tūn xiàqù de kǔguǒ 
(Swallowing it as a whole leads to bitter consequences) 

那麼多年還一直 反芻我
nàme duōnián huán yīzhí fǎnchú wǒ 
(After so many years, its still eating me up inside ) 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

徐暐翔-那些還好的日子背後 Vash Hsu/ Xu Wei Xiang- Na Xie Hai Hao de Ri Zi Bei Hou (Days Gone By) One Step Forward OST


燈 躲在街角用力亮著 是不是也在害怕
Dēng duǒ zài jiējiǎo yònglì liàngzhe shì bùshì yě zài hàipà 

害怕夜色隨時散去 所有人又忘了她
hàipà yèsè suíshí sàn qù suǒyǒurén yòu wàngle tā 

我 記不起 花了多少的勇氣
wǒ jì bù qǐ huāle duōshǎo de yǒngqì 

才 僥倖成為 這個平庸的自己
cái jiǎoxìng chéngwéi zhège píngyōng de zìjǐ 

像陣風 跌落在草地 轉瞬就消失 沒有痕跡
xiàng zhènfēng diéluò zài cǎodì zhuǎnshùn jiù xiāoshī méiyǒu hénjī

她是否也獨自 跋涉過 千萬里
tā shìfǒu yě dúzì báshèguò qiān wàn lǐ

可終於還是化成了一縷 的嘆息
kě zhōngyú háishì huàchéngle yīlǚ de tànxí 

Chinese Chart Top 10 Chinese Songs: Pinyin Lyrics- 4th Week JULY 2024

 Hello All, We have already reached the 4th Week of July. 

Staying at the TOP for the last few weeks,  ENERGY is still holding its 1st place. OSN &PATRICK BRASCA- Hold On moves up 1 place to No2. 

And JSHEON with his song moves up from 6th to 3rd place. JSHEON's Song about how the girlfriend is like a toxic boss, is really gaining momentum now.  The song is pretty descriptive about the challenges in understanding the girlfriend's whim and fancies. We have included the translation with the pinyin lyrics, and you can see if you agree with him. ☺

There's 3 new entry songs this week: YOGA LIN- Chen Fa 懲罰,  FAYE ZHAN- Lue Ri 掠日 and VASH HSU's- Na Xie Hai Hao de Ri Zi Bei Hou 那些還好的日子背後. Have a listen with the link below..

Top 10 Chinese Songs of the Week-4th Week July 2024

1.  Energy-HERE I AM

Gao Yi Xuan feat. Pai Wei Jun- HOLD ON

3. J.SHEON feat. 瘦子E.SO-慣老闆
J.Sheon feat Sou Zi- Guan Lao Ban

Kimberley Chen Fang Yu- Love me more

FAYE詹雯婷 Zhan Wen Ting-掠日 Lue Ri (Grazing Love) Chinese Pinyin Lyrics

Shíjiān lǐ àncángzhe fēngshā 

mó píngle cì què cìyǎn a 

dāng wǒ rěn bù zhù huítóu wàng

wǎng bù bèi róngxǔ de fāngxiàng 

shuí dōu bùnéng bǎ wǒ bǎngjià 

háishì bù dí ài de kěwàng 

Monday, July 15, 2024

TRANSLATION of Ricky Hsiao/ Xiao Huang Qi- Ji Mo Er Yi (Only lonely) 蕭煌奇-寂寞而已 video + english pinyin lyrics

Hǎo lěng de yún jiào xǐng kùrè de léiyǔ 
(The cold clouds awaken to the hot thunderstorm) 

yī diǎn yī diǎn wǒ piāofú chéng shuǐdī 
(Little by little I float around just like water droplets) 

yīgèrén kàn diànyǐng yī bǎ sǎn huíqù 
(I watched a movie and then walk home alone holding an umbrella)

xīnsuān bǎ tànqì zàntíng chéng yèjǐng 
(Sadness and bitterness of my heart along with sighs temporarily becomes the night scene.) 

Wu … Yeh……Yeh……

Wu … Yeh……

hǎo yuǎn 
(So far..)  

Sunday, July 14, 2024

AP潘宇謙-在你身邊 AP Pan Yu Qian- Zai Ni Shen Bian (Beside you) Pinyin lyrics+ Video

Did you know? AP Pan Yuqian is a married young father. He revealed that the sweet lyrics of "By Your Side" were written by his wife's side: "I only wrote the lyrics at night, when she was already asleep, because I rarely I was afraid that it would be too cheesy when I wrote sweet lyrics, so I imagined a story about myself having a crazy crush on my other half and wrote this song. Also, the genres she likes are all lyrical songs, so it’s not for her, haha. !”

Shuō bu chū de gǎnjué 

ràole dìqiú zǒu yī quān 

háishì kàn bù dào dìpíngxiàn 

ni néng bùnénggòu kànjiàn

wǒ xiǎng zǒu jìn ni de shìyě

gēn ni dùguò suǒyǒu jìjié 

Chinese Chart Top 10 Chinese Songs 2024 : Pinyin Lyrics- 3rd Week JULY 2024

 Top 10 Chinese Songs of the Week-3rd Week July 2024

1.  Energy-HERE I AM

Kimberley Chen Fang Yu- Love me more

Gao Yi Xuan feat. Pai Wei Jun- HOLD ON

4. 動力火車-催眠
Power Station Dong Li Huo Che- Cui Mian

5.  AP潘宇謙-在你身邊
AP Pan Yu Qian- Zai Ni Shen Bian

Friday, July 12, 2024

TRANSLATION Cdrama The Princess Royal (Du Hua Nian) OST: Curley Gao -Hua Nian Bu Fu 度華年主题曲-华年不负 english Pinyin lyrics


大夢 恍惚間一春秋
Dà mèng huǎnghū jiān yī chūnqiū 
( A big dream, seemingly flitting through spring and autumn)

xǐng lái nuǎn yáng zhènghǎo
(Waking up to the warmth of the sun) 

只是壓皺 兩只衣袖
zhǐshì yā zhòu liǎng zhǐ yī xiù
(Just that wrinkled two sleeves) 

再然後 你會招一招手
zài ránhòu nǐ huì zhāo yī zhāoshǒu
(Then you will wave your hand)

wǒ jiù gēnzhe qīngfēng 
(I'll follow the light breeze) 

飄去你 眼眸
piāo qù nǐ yǎn móu
(and drift into your sight/eyes)

Thursday, July 11, 2024

動力火車-催眠 Power Station Dong Li Huo Che- Cui Mian (Mesmerize) pinyin lyrics+ Video


朋友罵我有病 太偏執成性 
Péngyǒu mà wǒ yǒu bìng tài piānzhí chéng xìng 

zuìhòu tòng dào shàngyǐn 

愛明明是酒精 灌醉了理性 卻還自覺微醺
ài míngmíng shì jiǔjīng guàn zuìle lǐxìng què hái zìjué wéi xūn 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

麋先生 Mixer Mi Xian Sheng-馬戲團運動 Ma Xi Tuan Yun Dong (2024CircUs) pinyin lyrics

Háishì dōu yīyàng méiyǒu tài duō rén dǒng huāngzhāng 

wǔ zhù yǎn yóuqí shàncháng 

míng huà de fēngguāng shì niándài liú xià de tàiyáng 

ér yǎnqián zhèngzài bēngtā 

Monday, July 8, 2024

TRANSLATION: J.SHEON feat. 瘦子E.SO-慣老闆 Guan Lao Ban (Toxic Boss) Video and Pinyin lyrics


(translation from official video) 

Zhēn de pàle tā 
(I'm so done with her) 

xiǎng yào fàng gè jiǎ 
(Just need a break)

suànshì bāng wǒ máng 
(Do me a favor)

jiù yītiān bié lái zhǎo wǒ chá 
(Dont start drama with me for just one day) 

今天就 放我去廢
jīntiān jiù fàng wǒ qù fèi
(Let me chill and do my thing today) 

找朋友 倒個幾杯
zhǎo péngyǒu dào gè jǐ bēi 
(Pour some drinks with my bros)

通常她會Say no
tōngcháng tā huì Say no 
(Usually she would say NO)

Jacky Chen Jian Wei feat Eve Ai - Prejudice 陳建瑋 feat. 艾怡良-成見 Music Video and chinese pinyin lyrics

Huígùzhe wǒmen zhēngzhí de xiànchǎng 

我應該沉默 少說些什麼
wǒ yīnggāi chénmò shǎo shuō xiē shénme 

yǐwéi shì yǒngbào fǎn'ér shì zhuìluò 

還不能解脫 是眼淚的錯
hái bùnéng jiětuō shì yǎnlèi de cuò

Sunday, July 7, 2024

羅志祥-舞狀元 Show Luo Zhi Xiang- Wu Zhuang Yuan pinyin lyrics, video


這天地 這麼⼤ 這麼⼤
Zhè tiāndì zhème dà zhème dà

爭天下 怎麼打 怎麼打
zhēng tiānxià zěnme dǎ zěnme dǎ 

舞狀元 這麼殺 這麼炸
wǔ zhuàngyuán zhème shā zhème zhà 

⼀舉 成名 我的 wooo 
yī jǔ chéngmíng wǒ de wooo 

KIMBERLEY Chen 陳芳語 Chen Fang Yu -LOVE ME MORE Chinese pinyin lyrics

Lived in the shade of the picture you painted

yīnyǐng chèntuō nǐ de xiānyàn 

guāngyuán bèimiàn 

shì hēi'àn zài chéngquán 

xiàng guāng tiānxìng què pà shēnyè 

Latest Popular Top 10 Chinese Songs 2024: Pinyin Lyrics- 2nd Week JULY 2024

  Top 10 Chinese Songs of the Week-2nd Week July 2024

1.  Energy-HERE I AM

Gao Yi Xuan feat. Pai Wei Jun- HOLD ON

Kimberley Chen Fang Yu- Love me more

Mi Xian Sheng- Ma Xi Tuan Yun Dong

Show Luo Zhi Xiang- Wu Zhuang Yuan

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

SHAWN尚融 Shang Rong-1個不小心 Yi Ge Bu XIao Xin (Oops i did it again) chinese pinyin lyrics and video


1個不小心 跟你 親親
yi Gè bù xiǎoxīn gēn nǐ qīn qīn 

2個不小心 是我故意
liang gè bù xiǎoxīn shì wǒ gùyì 

3點之後請打給我 別打給派偉俊
san  diǎn zhīhòu qǐng dǎ gěi wǒ bié dǎ gěi pài wěi jùn

因為我4真的 喜歡你 
yīnwèi wǒ si zhēn de xǐhuān nǐ 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Love Beside Me OST : 陳華-這麼多年 HuaChen- All these years (Zhe Me Duo Nian)Chinese pinyin lyrics

與你並肩的日常 快樂的模樣 
Yǔ nǐ bìngjiān de rìcháng kuàilè de múyàng 

shì wǒ méi shuō chū de xiàngwǎng 

那年共度的時光 教室的走廊 
nà nián gòngdù de shíguāng jiàoshì de zǒuláng 

céng shì liǎng gè rén de fēngkuáng 

Latest Top 10 Chinese Songs: Pinyin Lyrics- 1st Week JULY 2024

  Top 10 Chinese Songs of the Week-3rd Week June 2024

1.  Energy-HERE I AM

Gao Yi Xuan feat. Pai Wei Jun- HOLD ON

3. 林宥嘉- 代客求婚
Yoga Lin You Jia- Dai Ke Qiu Hun

4.  ERIC周興哲-青春要用幾行詩來寫
Eric Chou/ Zhou Xing Zhe- Qing Chun Yao Yong Ji Hang Shi Lai Xie

5. 蕭煌奇-縫補傷的人
Xiao Huang Qi- Feng Bu Shang de Ren