Sunday, July 21, 2024

Chinese Chart Top 10 Chinese Songs: Pinyin Lyrics- 4th Week JULY 2024

 Hello All, We have already reached the 4th Week of July. 

Staying at the TOP for the last few weeks,  ENERGY is still holding its 1st place. OSN &PATRICK BRASCA- Hold On moves up 1 place to No2. 

And JSHEON with his song moves up from 6th to 3rd place. JSHEON's Song about how the girlfriend is like a toxic boss, is really gaining momentum now.  The song is pretty descriptive about the challenges in understanding the girlfriend's whim and fancies. We have included the translation with the pinyin lyrics, and you can see if you agree with him. ☺

There's 3 new entry songs this week: YOGA LIN- Chen Fa 懲罰,  FAYE ZHAN- Lue Ri 掠日 and VASH HSU's- Na Xie Hai Hao de Ri Zi Bei Hou 那些還好的日子背後. Have a listen with the link below..

Top 10 Chinese Songs of the Week-4th Week July 2024

1.  Energy-HERE I AM

Gao Yi Xuan feat. Pai Wei Jun- HOLD ON

3. J.SHEON feat. 瘦子E.SO-慣老闆
J.Sheon feat Sou Zi- Guan Lao Ban

Kimberley Chen Fang Yu- Love me more

5. 動力火車-催眠
Power Station Dong Li Huo Che- Cui Mian

6. 林宥嘉-懲罰
Yoga Lin You Jia- Chen Fa

7. FAYE詹雯婷-掠日
FAYE Zhan Wen Ting- Lue Ri

8. 徐暐翔-那些還好的日子背後
Vash Hsu/ Xu Wei Xiang- Na Xie Hai Hao de Ri Zi Bei Hou 

9.  AP潘宇謙-在你身邊
AP Pan Yu Qian- Zai Ni Shen Bian

10. 羅志祥-舞狀元
Show Luo Zhi Xiang- Wu Zhuang Yuan

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