Monday, July 29, 2024

English Translation: Li Rong Hao- Lian Ren (Lovers) 李榮浩-戀人 pinyin english lyrics

愛像是一場小雨Ài xiàng shì yīchǎng xiǎoyǔ
(Love is like light shower of rain) 淅瀝瀝淅瀝瀝 滴入我回憶xīlì lì xīlì lì dī rù wǒ huíyì
(Pittering Pattering into my memories)愛又像一場旅行走停停走停停ài yòu xiàng yīchǎng lǚxíng zǒu tíng tíng zǒu tíng tíng
(Love is like travelling, stop and go, stop and go)忽然遇見你hūrán yùjiàn nǐ
(Suddenly when I met you) 停下了足跡tíng xiàle zújì
( I stopped my footsteps)是否還是不太喜歡吃香菜shìfǒu háishì bù tài xǐhuān chī xiāngcài
(Do you still not like eating coriander?)到現在都沒改dào xiànzài dōu méi gǎi
(Has nothing changed till now?)那雙原來最喜歡的匡威鞋帶nà shuāng yuánlái zuì xǐhuān de kuāngwēi xié dài
(The pair of converse shoelaces that was much loved) 現在卻解不開xiànzài què jiě bù kāi
(Is now entangled)
那張磁帶 yi ai yi ai 它又再一次的卡帶Nà zhāng cídài yī ài yī ài tā yòu zài yīcì de kǎdài
(The magnetic tape inside the casette tape keeps getting stuck)  卻還會再一遍一遍一遍又一遍聽下來què hái huì zài yībiàn yībiàn yībiàn yòu yībiàn tīng xiàlái
(But I will still listen to it over and over again )昨天的愛 yi ai yi ai yi ai yi ai 已回不來zuótiān de ài yi ai yi ai  yi ai yi ai yǐ huí bù lái
(Yesterday's love can never come back again) 卻依然在心裡徘徊què yīrán zài xīnlǐ páihuái
(But it's still lingering in my heart) 卻依然在心底徘徊què yīrán zài xīndǐ páihuái
(But it's still lingering in my heart) 

ài yòu xiàng yīchǎng lǚxíng zǒu tíng tíng zǒu tíng tíng
(Love is like travelling, stop and go, stop and go)
忽然遇見你hūrán yùjiàn nǐ
(Suddenly when I met you) 停下了足跡tíng xiàle zújì
( I stopped my footsteps)是否還是不太喜歡吃香菜shìfǒu háishì bù tài xǐhuān chī xiāngcài
(Do you still not like eating coriander?)到現在都沒改dào xiànzài dōu méi gǎi
(Has nothing changed till now?)那雙原來最喜歡的匡威鞋帶nà shuāng yuánlái zuì xǐhuān de kuāngwēi xié dài
(The pair of converse shoelaces that was much loved) 現在卻解不開xiànzài què jiě bù kāi
(Is now entangled) 
那張磁帶 yi ai yi ai 它又再一次的卡帶Nà zhāng cídài yī ài yī ài tā yòu zài yīcì de kǎdài
(The magnetic tape inside the casette tape keeps getting stuck)  卻還會再一遍一遍一遍又一遍聽下來què hái huì zài yībiàn yībiàn yībiàn yòu yībiàn tīng xiàlái
(But I will still listen to it over and over again )
昨天的愛 yi ai yi ai yi ai yi ai 已回不來zuótiān de ài yi ai yi ai  yi ai yi ai yǐ huí bù lái
(Yesterday's love can never come back again) 卻依然在心裡徘徊què yīrán zài xīnlǐ páihuái
(But it's still lingering in my heart) 卻依然在心底徘徊què yīrán zài xīndǐ páihuái
(But it's still lingering in my heart) 

兇手和戀人都喜歡事後回現場Xiōngshǒu hé liànrén dōu xǐhuān shìhòu huí xiànchǎng
(Both murderers and lovers like to return to the scene afterwards)看一看自己從前到底有多瘋狂kàn yī kàn zìjǐ cóngqián dàodǐ yǒu duō fēngkuáng
(To look at oneself and see how crazy I was at one time)  回憶裡充滿著羅曼蒂克的幻想huíyì lǐ chōngmǎnzhe luómàndìkè de huànxiǎng
(Memories are full of romantic fantasies) 
那張磁帶裡藏著過往Nà zhāng cídài lǐ cángzhe guòwǎng
(Just like the magnetic tape in the cassette is hiding its past) 播放了就會回到現場bòfàngle jiù huì huí dào xiànchǎng
(Once played, it will bring us back to the scene) 
Ai yi ai yi ai 它又再一次的卡帶Ai yi ai yi ai tā yòu zài yīcì de kǎdài
(Again and again the casette tape keeps getting stuck) 卻還會再一遍一遍一遍又一遍聽下來què hái huì zài yībiàn yībiàn yībiàn yòu yībiàn tīng xiàlái
(But I will listen to it over and over again) 
昨天的愛 已回不來zuótiān de ài yǐ huí bù lái
(Yesterday's love can never come back again) 卻依然在心裡徘徊què yīrán zài xīnlǐ páihuái
(But it's still lingering in my heart) 卻依然在心底徘徊què yīrán zài xīndǐ páihuái
(But it's still lingering in my heart) 

Please note that this translation is on best effort basis :) If you do take it out of our blog, please credit us. Thank you. 

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