Friday, July 12, 2024

TRANSLATION Cdrama The Princess Royal (Du Hua Nian) OST: Curley Gao -Hua Nian Bu Fu 度華年主题曲-华年不负 english Pinyin lyrics


大夢 恍惚間一春秋
Dà mèng huǎnghū jiān yī chūnqiū 
( A big dream, seemingly flitting through spring and autumn)

xǐng lái nuǎn yáng zhènghǎo
(Waking up to the warmth of the sun) 

只是壓皺 兩只衣袖
zhǐshì yā zhòu liǎng zhǐ yī xiù
(Just that wrinkled two sleeves) 

再然後 你會招一招手
zài ránhòu nǐ huì zhāo yī zhāoshǒu
(Then you will wave your hand)

wǒ jiù gēnzhe qīngfēng 
(I'll follow the light breeze) 

飄去你 眼眸
piāo qù nǐ yǎn móu
(and drift into your sight/eyes)

tíng qián lì wútóng 
(With the sycamore tree standing in the yard)

zhíbǐ huì jǐnxiù
(I pen beautiful words like a painting)

xiàotán tiāngāodìhòu 
(Laugh and talk without any limits) 

閱遍千山 幸有你 比肩而坐
yuè biàn qiān shān xìng yǒu nǐ bǐjiān ér zuò
(Having seen and been through thousands of mountains, I am fortunate to have you, sitting side by side) 

tóng kàn míngyuè qǐluò
(Watching the moon rise and fall together )

tóngyī chǎng yīnguǒ 
(It's the same cause and effect) 

tóng nǐ qù dēnggāo lóu 
(Together we climb a tall building) 

再點起 滿城中某個燈火
zài diǎn qǐ mǎn chéngzhōng mǒu gè dēnghuǒ 
(And light up a certain light in the city) 

suìyuè bǎi zhuǎn qiān zhé 
(Time passes with many twists and turns) 

huò chóngdǎofùzhé 
(or with the repeat of many mistakes) 

我知你會 陪我
wǒ zhī nǐ huì péi wǒ 
(I know you will accompany me)

世人 來來回回的走
shìrén láilái huíhui de zǒu 
(People in the world come and go)

què wéi yǒu nǐ dǒng wǒ
(But only you understand me)

如對弈中 恰逢對手
rú duìyì zhōng qià féng duìshǒu 
(Just like in a game of chess, you happen to meet your opponent) 

yù xiàng qián huò tuì hòu 
(Whether moving forward or going backwards) 

dé bǐcǐ yú zuǒyòu 
(we know we have each other by our sides) 

biàn shì míngrì hái yǒu shé mó 
(Even if tomorrow something happens) 

此刻也 皆忘憂
cǐkè yě jiē wàng yōu 
(At this moment, we will forget our worries) 

tóng kàn míngyuè qǐluò
(Watching the moon rise and fall together )

tóngyī chǎng yīnguǒ 
(It's the same cause and effect) 

tóng nǐ qù dēnggāo lóu 
(Together we climb a tall building) 

再點起 滿城中某個燈火
zài diǎn qǐ mǎn chéngzhōng mǒu gè dēnghuǒ 
(And light up a certain light in the city) 

suìyuè bǎi zhuǎn qiān zhé 
(Time passes with many twists and turns) 

huò chóngdǎofùzhé 
(or with the repeat of many mistakes) 

我知你會 陪我
wǒ zhī nǐ huì péi wǒ 
(I know you will accompany me)

nǐ shēnbiān dōu yǒu wǒ 
(You have me by your side )

同你把路走到 盡頭
tóng nǐ bǎ lù zǒu dào jìntóu 
(Together we walk to the end of the road) 

wúlùn zài jǐ cì xuǎnzé
(No matter how many times I choose) 

wǒ dū fēi yào zǒuxiàng nà yīzhǒng jiéguǒ 
(I will definitely walk down the same path with the same result) 

zài màoshèng wútóng shùxià 
(Under the lush sycamore trees) 

děng lái nǐ gǎnyìng bān de huíshǒu
(Waiting for you to look back) 

tóng kàn míngyuè qǐluò
(Watching the moon rise and fall together )

tóngyī chǎng yīnguǒ 
(It's the same cause and effect) 

我們登過高樓 到最後
wǒmen dēngguò gāo lóu dào zuìhòu 
(We have climbed tall buildings and at the end)

juànliàn yú yīfāng yānhuǒ 
(We are deeply in love in our daily life)

suìyuè bǎi zhuǎn qiān zhé 
(Time passes with twists and turns) 

篤定你 會陪我
dǔdìng nǐ huì péi wǒ 
(I am certain you will accompany me) 

ér dāng nǐ kàn xiàng wǒ 
(And when you look at me) 

huá niánzhōng dé bù fù 
(We are living up to our good years) 

一眼 一春色
yīyǎn yī chūnsè
(With a look, and spring arrives )

(This is an original translation by me, best effort basis, please do not take out of blog. Thanks) 

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