Monday, July 22, 2024

English Translation Yoga Lin You Jia- Chen Fa (Punishment) 林宥嘉 懲罰 Suffocating Love OST English Lyrics, pinyin, Video


(Below translation is my own translation :) 

惡臭 潛伏於四周
Èchòu qiánfú yú sìzhōu 
(A foul stench lurks around)

有根煙囪 逆插在喉嚨
yǒu gēn yāncōng nì chā zài hóulóng 
(There's a smoke funnel that's stuck in my throat) 

叫我 怎麼有胃口
jiào wǒ zěnme yǒu wèikǒu 
(It makes me not have appetite) 

一顆酪梨 都讓我作嘔
yī kē lào lí dōu ràng wǒ zuò'ǒu 
(Even an avocado can make me vomit) 

húlún tūn xiàqù de kǔguǒ 
(Swallowing it as a whole leads to bitter consequences) 

那麼多年還一直 反芻我
nàme duōnián huán yīzhí fǎnchú wǒ 
(After so many years, its still eating me up inside ) 

原諒 比符咒輕薄
yuánliàng bǐ fúzhòu qīngbó
(Forgiveness is lighter than casting a spell)

不足以我 證明蹉跎過
bùzú yǐ wǒ zhèngmíng cuōtuóguò 
(It doesnt justify how I/ my time was wasted) 

莫非 要聞著腥紅
mòfēi yàowénzhe xīng hóng
(Could it be that I need to get a whiff of bloodshed) 

懷恨也許 反而是解脫
huáihèn yěxǔ fǎn'ér shì jiětuō 
(Maybe holding a grudge may actually be a relief)

zuì hǎo nǐ yě bù lè jiàn wǒ
(It's better you are not happy to see me) 

甚至要親口祝我 不好過
shènzhì yào qīnkǒu zhù wǒ bù hǎoguò 
(Even so much as to wish me a hard time) 

yǒu shé me zhídé xīn suì 
(It's not really worth it to be heartbroken)

nándào wèile huòdé hèn nǐ de jīhuì
(As if to gain this chance of hating you?) 

可恨的是我白流的淚水 收不回
kěhèn de shì wǒ bái liú de lèishuǐ shōu bù huí 
(What's hateful is the tears I shed in vain cannot be taken back) 

jiùsuàn nǐ dàfā cíbēi 
(Even if you show mercy) 

yào huan gěi wǒ yīcì qiánchéng de xià guì 
(And offering to kneel down in reverence)

kǒngpà wǒ zǎoyǐ bù juédé xīnwèi
(Im afraid I won't feel comforted since a long time ago) 

fēi yào hèn lǐ shòuzuì cái zìwǒ táozuì 
(I still want to wallow in my hatred)

原諒 比符咒輕薄
yuánliàng bǐ fúzhòu qīngbó
(Forgiveness is lighter than casting a spell)

不足以我 證明蹉跎過
bùzú yǐ wǒ zhèngmíng cuōtuóguò 
(It doesnt justify how I/ my time was wasted) 

莫非 要聞著腥紅
mòfēi yàowénzhe xīng hóng
(Could it be that I need to get a whiff of bloodshed) 

懷恨也許 反而是解脫
huáihèn yěxǔ fǎn'ér shì jiětuō 
(Maybe holding a grudge may actually be a relief)

zuì hǎo nǐ yě bù lè jiàn wǒ
(It's better you are not happy to see me) 

甚至要親口祝我 不好過
shènzhì yào qīnkǒu zhù wǒ bù hǎoguò 
(Even so much as to wish me a hard time) 

yǒu shé me zhídé xīn suì 
(It's not really worth it to be heartbroken)

nándào wèile huòdé hèn nǐ de jīhuì
(As if to gain this chance of hating you) 

可恨的是我白流的淚水 收不回
kěhèn de shì wǒ bái liú de lèishuǐ shōu bù huí 
(What's hateful is the tears I shed in vain cannot be taken back) 

jiùsuàn nǐ dàfā cíbēi 
(Even if you show mercy) 

yào huan gěi wǒ yīcì qiánchéng de xià guì 
(And offering to kneel down in reverence)

kǒngpà wǒ zǎoyǐ bù juédé xīnwèi
(Im afraid I won't feel comforted since a long time ago) 

(fēi yào hèn lǐ shòuzuì cái zìwǒ táozuì) 
(I still want to wallow in my hatred)

無所謂 無所謂 無所謂
wúsuǒwèi wúsuǒwèi wúsuǒwèi 
(It's doesn't matter, It doesn't matter, It doesn't matter) 

shuō zhēn de wǒ zài děng shénme jiéwěi 
(Seriously, what closure am I waiting for? )

shuōchuānle wǒ zài gēn zìjǐ zuòduì 
(To put it bluntly, Im fighting against myself) 

懲罰自己 懲罰自己
chéngfá zìjǐ chéngfá zìjǐ
(Punishing myself, punishing myself) 

懲罰自己 懲罰自己
chéngfá zìjǐ chéngfá zìjǐ
(Punishing myself, punishing myself) 

chéngfá zìjǐ 
((Punishing myself)

Please note that this translation is on best effort basis :) If you do take it out of our blog, please credit us. Thank you. 

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