Monday, July 8, 2024

TRANSLATION: J.SHEON feat. 瘦子E.SO-慣老闆 Guan Lao Ban (Toxic Boss) Video and Pinyin lyrics


(translation from official video) 

Zhēn de pàle tā 
(I'm so done with her) 

xiǎng yào fàng gè jiǎ 
(Just need a break)

suànshì bāng wǒ máng 
(Do me a favor)

jiù yītiān bié lái zhǎo wǒ chá 
(Dont start drama with me for just one day) 

今天就 放我去廢
jīntiān jiù fàng wǒ qù fèi
(Let me chill and do my thing today) 

找朋友 倒個幾杯
zhǎo péngyǒu dào gè jǐ bēi 
(Pour some drinks with my bros)

通常她會Say no
tōngcháng tā huì Say no 
(Usually she would say NO)

wǒ xiàng xiàshǔ zài gēn zìjǐ shàngsi yuēhuì
(Its like im an employee dating my own boss) 

見面時數 湊不滿就當心被嘴
jiànmiàn shí shù còu bùmǎn jiù dāngxīn bèi zuǐ 
(You get yelled at as if you dont meet the required hours) 

zhēn ràng rén juédé lèi 
(It's straight up tiring) 

Yo! Can I take a break?

Bèi sǎoxìng jiù zhǐyǒu low 
(Getting bummed out is such a downer)

yǒu shí zhēn xiǎng jiào tā zhù zuǐ 
(Sometimes i just want to tell her to shut up) 

zuì hǎo měi cì dōu wǒ bùduì
(How can it always be my problem) 

dàn gōngzhǔ huì bēngkuì 
(but the princess will have a meltdown) 

huì shuō shì wǒ de zuì 
(and say its all my fault) 

Oh 真的是受夠 
Oh zhēn de shì shòu gòu 
(Oh Im so fed up with her) 

tā xiàng jíle guàn lǎobǎn
(She's just like a toxic boss) 

guò tài shuǎng dì nà zhǒng lǎobǎn 
(The kind who's living too comfortably) 

tā xiàng jíle guàn lǎobǎn
(She's just like a toxic boss) 

臭跩 慣老闆
chòu zhuǎi guàn lǎobǎn 
(A full of herself toxic boss) 

Oh my 慣老闆
Oh my guàn lǎobǎn 
(Oh my toxic boss) 

tā xiàng jíle guàn lǎobǎn
(She's just like a toxic boss) 

guò tài shuǎng dì nà zhǒng lǎobǎn 
(The kind who's living too comfortably) 

tā xiàng jíle guàn lǎobǎn
(She's just like a toxic boss) 

臭跩 慣老闆
chòu zhuǎi guàn lǎobǎn 
(A full of herself toxic boss) 

Oh my 慣老闆
Oh my guàn lǎobǎn 
(Oh my toxic boss) 

24/7 得待命
24/7 dé dàimìng
(On call 24/7) 

Call lái dōu bùtóng de timing
(Calls come at all different times)

責任制 專長是賣命
zérèn zhì zhuāncháng shì màimìng 
(In a salaried gig, your specialty is working yourself to death)

gǎo de nǐ bù tài gǎn guānjī
(Making you too scared to even turn off your phone) 

tā suì niàn wǒ méixīn 
(She keeps nagging me for not putting in effort)

xiǎng chuō bào tā méi xīn 
(I so wanna poke her in the forehead) 

pà tā shuō wǒ chāo méi pǐn 
(but i dont want her accusing me of being shameless)

xīnqíng zhēn de bù měilì 
(That totally kills the vibe) 

xièxiè ni zhàogù de yīqiè
(Thanks for taking care of everything) 

這戀愛 不幹了 就做到明天 我先掰
zhè liàn'ài bù gànle jiù zuò dào míngtiān wǒ xiān bāi 
(This relationship, Im done with it, consider tomorrow my last day, I'mma say my goodbye ) 

zhōngyú děngdào jīntiān 
(Finally the day has come)

gōngzhǔ tā mà wǒ damn
(The princess cursed at me damn )

wǒ jiǎzhuāng méi tīngjiàn 
(I acted like i didnt hear a thing) 

yǒu shí zhēn xiǎng jiào tā zhù zuǐ 
(Sometimes i just want to tell her to shut up) 

zuì hǎo měi cì dōu wǒ bùduì
(How can it always be my problem) 

dàn gōngzhǔ huì bēngkuì 
(but the princess will have a meltdown) 

huì shuō shì wǒ de zuì 
(and say its all my fault) 

Oh 真的是受夠 
Oh zhēn de shì shòu gòu 
(Oh Im so fed up with her) 

tā xiàng jíle guàn lǎobǎn
(She's just like a toxic boss) 

guò tài shuǎng dì nà zhǒng lǎobǎn 
(The kind who's living too comfortably) 

tā xiàng jíle guàn lǎobǎn
(She's just like a toxic boss) 

臭跩 慣老闆
chòu zhuǎi guàn lǎobǎn 
(A full of herself toxic boss) 

Oh my 慣老闆
Oh my guàn lǎobǎn 
(Oh my toxic boss) 

tā xiàng jíle guàn lǎobǎn
(She's just like a toxic boss) 

guò tài shuǎng dì nà zhǒng lǎobǎn 
(The kind who's living too comfortably) 

tā xiàng jíle guàn lǎobǎn
(She's just like a toxic boss) 

臭跩 慣老闆
chòu zhuǎi guàn lǎobǎn 
(A full of herself toxic boss) 

Oh my 慣老闆
Oh my guàn lǎobǎn 
(Oh my toxic boss) 

我是出錢的大股東 她才是公司的CEO
wǒ shì chū qián de dà gǔdōng tā cái shì gōngsī de CEO
(Im the major shareholder, but she's the real CEO)

籠罩在低氣壓的氣候 她就像天意 多變的天氣
lóngzhào zài dī qìyā de qìhòu tā jiù xiàng tiānyì duō biàn de tiānqì 
(Stuck in a gloomy low pressure mood. She's like fate, always changing like the weather) 

度假泳池要無邊際 漂浮早餐 說聲老闆早
dùjià yǒngchí yào wúbiān jì piāofú zǎocān shuō shēng lǎobǎn zǎo 
(The vacation pool's gotta be infinity, floating breakfast, saying "good morning, boss")

如果合約想要順利簽訂 還要看你晚上表現老闆找
rúguǒ héyuē xiǎng yào shùnlì qiāndìng hái yào kàn nǐ wǎnshàng biǎoxiàn lǎobǎn zhǎo 
(If you want that deal signed right, you gotta show the boss how well you perform tonight) 

通常對的不一定是對的 管她對錯只要聽她的就對了
tōngcháng duì de bù yīdìng shì duì de guǎn tā duì cuò zhǐyào tīng tā de jiù duìle
(What's usually right isnt always right, forget right or wrong, just do what she says and you'll be fine) 

說得好聽 她是對事不是對人 要我禮物多用點心不是只挑貴的
shuō dé hǎotīng tā shì duì shì bùshì duì rén yào wǒ lǐwù duōyòng diǎnxīn bùshì zhǐ tiāo guì de 
( To be honest, she focuses on the issue not the person, Wants me to put more thought into gifts, not just go for the pricey ones)

lǎobǎn jīntiān xiàbān xiǎng yào chī shénme 
(Boss, what do you wanna eat after work today?)

tā shuō suíbiàn yǒu shé me chī shénme
(She said: "Anything, whatever's available)

吃什麼都不對 那妳剛才 幹嘛不說 她說不要一直問她為什麼
chī shénme dōu bùduì nà nǎi gāngcái gàn ma bù shuō tā shuō bu yào yīzhí wèn tā wèishéme
(You dont want none of them, why didnt you say something earlier, she said stop asing her why)

道歉沒人先說   每天睜開眼都在切磋
dàoqiàn méi rén xiān shuō měitiān zhēng kāi yǎn dōu zài qiēcuō 
(No one apologizes first, everyday we open our eyes, it's another round of battle) 

不管我再怎麼做 標準都不夠  她說不是她要求我才去做
bùguǎn wǒ zài zěnme zuò biāozhǔn dōu bùgòu tā shuō bu shì tā yāoqiú wǒ cái qù zuò 
(No matter what i do, it's never up to standard, she says i shouldnt wait for her to ask before doing it) 

但是 大姐妳不說誰又會懂 
dànshì dàjiě nǎi bù shuō shuí yòu huì dǒng
(But girl, how am i supposed to know if you dont say nothin)

wǒ yòu bùshì nǐ dùzi lǐ de huíchóng 
(It's not that i can read your mind or somethin)

我只是個打工仔  稍微高富帥 還是栽在妳的手上 我的慣老闆
wǒ zhǐshì gè dǎgōng zǎi shāowéi gāofù shuài háishì zāi zài nǎi de shǒu shàng wǒ de guàn lǎobǎn
(Im just a guy doing my job, your regular total package, still got caught up in you, my toxic boss)

tā xiàng jíle guàn lǎobǎn
(She's just like a toxic boss) 

guò tài shuǎng dì nà zhǒng lǎobǎn 
(The kind who's living too comfortably) 

tā xiàng jíle guàn lǎobǎn
(She's just like a toxic boss) 

臭跩 慣老闆
chòu zhuǎi guàn lǎobǎn 
(A full of herself toxic boss) 

Oh my 慣老闆
Oh my guàn lǎobǎn 
(Oh my toxic boss) 

tā xiàng jíle guàn lǎobǎn
(She's just like a toxic boss) 

guò tài shuǎng dì nà zhǒng lǎobǎn 
(The kind who's living too comfortably) 

tā xiàng jíle guàn lǎobǎn
(She's just like a toxic boss) 

臭跩 慣老闆
chòu zhuǎi guàn lǎobǎn 
(A full of herself toxic boss) 

Oh my 老闆
Oh my lǎobǎn 
(Oh my boss) 

Please note that this translation is on best effort basis :) If you do take it out of our blog, please credit us. Thank you. 

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