Sunday, September 1, 2024

Top 10 Chinese Songs This week 2024: Last week of August 2024


We have come to the end of August 2024, let's see the latest popular chinese songs that topped the charts this week. We have a new Number 1, Sodagreen with a updated version of Chan Xiang . Power Station has a new song on the charts. Interestingly, there are new songs from new names (at least to me), for example:  Amazing Show/ Mei Xiu Ji Tuan has a collabration with Crowd Lu.

Top 10 Chinese Songs of the Week-4th Week August 2024

1.  蘇打綠-蟬想(蘇打綠版)
Sodagreen/ Su Da Lu- Chan Xiang 

2. ENERGY-把手給我
Energy-Ba Shou Gei Wo

3. 動力火車-
Power Station/ Power Station- Kan Zhe ni Zhe Ta

美秀集團 feat. 盧廣仲-手機錢包鑰匙菸
Amazing Show (Mei Xiu Ji Tuan) feat Lu Guang Zhong- Shou Ji Qian Bao Yao Shi Yan

5. 羅志祥-我還能怎麼伴
Show Luo Zhi Xiang- Wo Hai Neng Zen Yang Ban

6. BOOM!怪物星人-我不可一世的輕狂
Boom! Guan Wu Xing Ren- Wo Bu Ke Yi Shi de Qing Kuang

7. AP潘宇謙-微光
AP Pan Yu Qian- Wei Guang 


9. 蕭秉治-愛是痛苦的總和
Xiao Bing Zhi- Ai Shi Tong Ku de Zong He

10. BII畢書盡- 太陽陪著行星
BII -Tai Yang Pei Zhe Xing Xing

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