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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

English, Pinyin Lyrics: Charlie Zhou Shen- Xiao Mei Man 周深- 小美滿 (Little Bliss) Re La Gun Tang YOLO 熱辣滾燙 OST

 English Translation of Charlie Zhou Shen's Xiao Mei Man(周深-小美滿) : 

Charlie Zhou Shen  sang " Xiao Mei Man" or Little Bliss/ Happiness for the movie "Re La Gun Tang" 熱辣滾燙 starring Jia Ling. It was released as a single in February 2024, but still remains on the charts. Even as of this month October 2024, its still No 1 on Billboard's Chinese Chart.

没什么 大愿望
Méishénme dà yuànwàng
(Don't have any big wish for life) 

没有什么事 要赶
méiyǒu shé me shì yào gǎn
(No urgent matter to rush myself)

看见路口红灯 一直闪
kànjiàn lùkǒu hóng dēng yīzhí shǎn
(Seeing a red light flashing at the intersection) 

它像 眨眼的小太阳
tā xiàng zhǎyǎn de xiǎo tàiyáng
(Its just like a blinking little sun)

乌云还 挺大胆
Wūyún hái tǐng dàdǎn
(The dark clouds are quite bold) 

顶在头上 吹不散
dǐng zài tóu shàng chuī bú sàn
(Hanging on top my head, and cant be dispersed)

我抓在手里 捏成棉花糖
wǒ zhuā zài shǒu lǐ niē chéng miánhuā táng
(I grabbed it in my hand and shaped it into marshmallows) 

什么烦恼 不能忘
shénme fánnǎo bùnéng wàng
(What troubles cannot be forgotten)

既然 是路一定有转弯
Jìrán shì lù yīdìng yǒu zhuǎnwān
(Since it is a road, there must be a turning point) 

哪个风景 都漂亮
nǎge fēngjǐng dōu piàoliang
(Every scenery is beautiful)

揉揉疲惫的眼睛 停下来 看一看
róu róu píbèi de yǎnjīng tíng xiàlái kàn yī kàn
(Rub your tired eyes, stop and take a look) 

měihǎo jiǎndān
(Beautiful and simple) 

Nǐ kàn
(Have a look)

小狗在叫 树叶会笑
xiǎo gǒu zài jiào shùyè huì xiào
(The puppy is barking, even the leaves are smiling)

fēngshēng zài nínán
(The wind is whispering)

不如好好 欣赏一秒
bùrú hǎohǎo xīnshǎng yī miǎo
(How about enjoying it for a second) 

迷迷糊糊的 浪漫
mí mí húhú de làngmàn
(This dazed and blurry romance of life)

只要 一觉醒来 床单洒满
Zhǐyào yī juéxǐng lái chuángdān sǎ mǎn
(As long as one wakes up, the bed sheets are covered)

阳光的 温暖
yángguāng de wēnnuǎn
(With the sun's warmth)

不去想 不必想
bù qù xiǎng bùbì xiǎng
(Don't think about it, Dont need to think of it)

不用急急忙忙 说一个 答案
bùyòng jí ji máng mang shuō yīgè dá'àn
(No need to rush to give an answer)

笑一笑 就灿烂
Xiào yīxiào jiù cànlàn
(Just smile, and world will light up)

唱一句歌 就舒展
chàng yījù gē jiù shūzhǎn
(Sing a song and relax) 

收集一点一滴 小美满
shōují yī diǎn yī dī xiǎo měimǎn
(Collect every bit and drop of happiness) 

都是 幸福的花样
dōu shì xìngfú de huāyàng
(All are all patterns of happiness)

没道理 的开朗
Méi dàolǐ de kāilǎng
(Be cheerful for no reason)

打扮 平凡的日常
dǎbàn píngfán de rìcháng
(Dress up ordinarily, part of daily life)

找到自己 最合身的衣裳
zhǎodào zìjǐ zuì héshēn de yīshang
(Find clothes that fit you best) 

只要自己 够喜欢
zhǐyào zìjǐ gòu xǐhuān
(As long as you like it enough)

至少 还有温柔的眼光
Zhìshǎo hái yǒu wēnróu de yǎnguāng
(At least you have a warm gaze) 

还在夜里 看月亮
hái zài yèlǐ kàn yuèliàng
(And still watch the moon in the night)

心情铺得再满 也要留一扇天窗
xīnqíng pù dé zài mǎn yě yào liú yī shàn tiānchuāng
(No matter how full your emotions are, you still have to leave a window open ) 

suìyuè hěn zhǎng
(Life is very long)

Nǐ kàn
(Have a look)

小狗在叫 树叶会笑
xiǎo gǒu zài jiào shùyè huì xiào
(The puppy is barking, even the leaves are smiling)

fēngshēng zài nínán
(The wind is whispering)

不如好好 欣赏一秒
bùrú hǎohǎo xīnshǎng yī miǎo
(How about enjoying it for a second) 

迷迷糊糊的 浪漫
mí mí húhú de làngmàn
(This dazed and blurry romance of life)

只要 一觉醒来 床单洒满
Zhǐyào yī juéxǐng lái chuángdān sǎ mǎn
(As long as one wakes up, the bed sheets are covered)

阳光的 温暖
yángguāng de wēnnuǎn
(With the sun's warmth)

不去想 不必想
bù qù xiǎng bùbì xiǎng
(Don't think about it, Dont need to think of it)

不用急急忙忙 说一个 答案
bùyòng jí ji máng mang shuō yīgè dá'àn
(No need to rush to give an answer)

Nǐ yuàn xiāngxìn shénme
(Whatever you are willing to believe)

就把世界 看成什么样
jiù bǎ shìjiè kàn chéng shénme yàng
(Just look at the world as you want it) 

偶尔难题 加点重量
ǒu'ěr nántí jiādiǎn zhòngliàng
(Sometimes difficult problems add weight to life)

越要 轻轻地旋转
yuè yào qīng qīng de xuánzhuǎn
(All the more so, lightly spin it around)

所以 无论如何
Suǒyǐ wúlùn rúhé
(So, no matter what happens) 

记得保管 小小的光环
jìdé bǎoguǎn xiǎo xiǎo de guānghuán
(Remember and guard your little halo)

笑就好 哭也好
xiào jiù hǎo kū yě hǎo
(Whether you laugh or cry)

今天 就是明天最好的 陪伴
jīntiān jiùshì míngtiān zuì hǎo de péibàn
(Today is the best companion for tomorrow)

笑就好 哭也好
Xiào jiù hǎo kū yě hǎo
(Whether you laugh or cry)

自己 就是自己最好的 陪伴
zìjǐ jiùshì zìjǐ zuì hǎo de péibàn
(You are your own best companion)

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