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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

English, pinyin: QiuFengZe 邱鋒澤 -Bu Yao Dan Xin Wo, Ni Yao Hao Hao Guo Feng Ze (All Will Be Well ) 不要担心我,你要好好过


走呀走 希望這條路沒有盡頭
Zǒu ya zǒu xīwàng zhè tiáo lù méiyǒu jìntóu 
(Walking and walking, Hoping this road has no end)

每天記錄生活 分享後都在等著互動
měitiān jìlù shēnghuó fēnxiǎng hòu dōu zài děngzhe hùdòng 
(Everyday I record my life, share it with others and wait for interactions)

說呀說 一副得讓自己成熟
shuō ya shuō yī fù dé ràng zìjǐ chéngshú 
(Talk and talk, as if I need to show I'm mature)

每天複習承諾 一個人的幸福能掌控
měitiān fùxí chéngnuò yīgèrén de xìngfú néng zhǎngkòng
(Everyday I review my promise, that my happiness is under my control)

我一直在想 怎麼偽裝
wǒ yīzhí zài xiǎng zěnme wèizhuāng 
(I've been thinking about how to disguise)

我一直活在 別人眼光
wǒ yīzhí huó zài biérén yǎnguāng 
(I have always lived in the sight of others)

bùyào dānxīn wǒ 
(Don't worry about me)

nǐ yào hǎohǎoguò 
(You have to live your life well)

寒冷的夜晚 學著習慣
hánlěng de yèwǎn xuézhe xíguàn 
(During cold nights, just learn to get used to it)

為何我要裝作堅強 明明心裡很懦弱
wèihé wǒ yào zhuāng zuò jiānqiáng míngmíng xīnlǐ hěn nuòruò 
(Why do I have to pretend to be strong when I am so weak inside?)

我要裝作幽默 明明心裡很刺痛
wǒ yào zhuāng zuò yōumò míngmíng xīnlǐ hěn cì tòng 
(I want to pretend to be humorous, but I'm clearly hurting inside)

誰能了解我 誰能安撫我
shuí néng liǎojiě wǒ  shuí néng ānfǔ wǒ 
(Who can understand me, who can comfort me)

zhè máodùn qíngxù méiyǒu jiětuō 
(There is no escape from this conflicting emotion)

想了又想 又害怕 又能怎樣
xiǎngle yòu xiǎng yòu hàipà yòu néng zěnyàng 
(I thought about it again and again, and I'm afraid, but what can I do?)

我猜想 是我爛 和你無關
wǒ cāixiǎng shì wǒ làn hé nǐ wúguān 
(I guess it's my fault, not yours.)

沒辦法 騙自己才能繼續流浪
méi bànfǎ piàn zìjǐ cáinéng jìxù liúlàng 
(I have no choice but to deceive myself to continue wandering)

我一直在想 怎麼偽裝
wǒ yīzhí zài xiǎng zěnme wèizhuāng 
(I've been thinking about how to disguise)

我一直活在 別人眼光
wǒ yīzhí huó zài biérén yǎnguāng 
(I have always lived in the sight of others)

bùyào dānxīn wǒ 
(Don't worry about me)

nǐ yào hǎohǎoguò 
(You have to live your life well)

寒冷的夜晚 學著習慣
hánlěng de yèwǎn xuézhe xíguàn 
(During cold nights, just learn to get used to it)

I want you to stay

I want you to stay

寒冷的夜晚 學著習慣
hánlěng de yèwǎn xuézhe xíguàn 
(During cold nights, just learn to get used to it)

I want you to stay

I want you to stay

寒冷的夜晚 學著習慣
hánlěng de yèwǎn xuézhe xíguàn 
(During cold nights, just learn to get used to it)

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