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Thursday, January 30, 2025

Eng,pinyin: Zhu Zai Xin Li De Ren - Fish Leong/ Liang Jing Ru 梁静茹-住在心里的人 (A Ma Shuo) lyrics

Fish Leong has a new song which was performed on CCTV Spring Festival Gala for the first time. Her new single "The Person Living in My Heart", expresses her fondness for her grandmother and memories of her care . She sings about the love between generations, reminding people to go and see their elderly relatives.

Fish Leong or Liang Jingru, who had a close relationship with her grandmother, couldn't help crying during the recording: "This song is the true feeling of every one who has left home" . Fish Leong recalls: " Grandma often sat on the bench and waited for me to come home at night, asking if I sang well in the competition."  

Fish Leong's performance was so good that it touched  so many people's hearts with her healing voice. Her live broadcast ratings achieved outstanding results and ranked number two when she lost to Faye Wong by a small margin. Faye Wong performed Shi Jie Zeng Yu Wo De 世界赠予我的.

Her Live Performance:

阿嬷说 大风大雨呀
Ā ma shuō  dàfēng dàyǔ ya 
(Grandma said it is windy and rainy)

zán jiù wǎng jiālǐ pǎo 
(Let's run towards our home)

还差个汤 再炖会儿就好
hái chà gè tāng zài dùn huì er jiù hǎo 
(Still left with a soup, just let it simmer for a while and it'll be done)

zǎi lái xiē xiējiǎo 
(Come and take a rest and rest your feet)

nǐ shì tā pěngguò de yòu niǎo
(You are the young bird she held in her arms before) 

tā zěn néng bù zhīdào 
(How can she not know) 

这孩子呀 总想飞得高
zhè háizǐ ya zǒng xiǎng fēi dé gāo 
(This kid has always wanted to fly high)

jiào shìjiè qiáo shàng yī qiáo 
(To let the world look up at her)

赶路的人哪 别害怕 山高路遥
gǎnlù de rén nǎ bié hàipà shāngāo lù yáo 
(Those rushing on the road, don't be afraid of long roads with high hills)

阿嬷说 有目标就好
ā ma shuō yǒu mùbiāo jiù hǎo 
(Grandma said, having a goal is good enough)

日子偶尔地 弯弯腰 没大不了
rìzǐ ǒu'ěr dì wān wān yāo méi dàbùliǎo 
(There are days when you bend over occasionally, it's no big deal)

rénmen shì zhèyàng zhǒng hémiáo 
(This is how people plant seedlings)

回家的人哪 好不好 早一点到
huí jiā de rén nǎ hǎobù hǎo zǎo yīdiǎn dào 
(Those who are going home, please come earlier)

nǐ shì jiā shùzhe de fēn miǎo 
(You are the seconds that are counted by the family)

是她的烦恼 她的盼 她的骄傲
shì tā de fánnǎo tā de pàn tā de jiāo'ào 
(You are the one she worries about, her hope, her pride)

她不喊 却远远望的 她的宝
tā bù hǎn què yuǎn yuǎn wàng de tā de bǎo 
 (She doesn't shout out, but looks at her beloved treasure from afar)

她想着 再瞒一瞒你
tā xiǎngzhe zài mán yī mán nǐ 
(She thinks, just keep it a secret from you a little while more)

kě mán bùguò niánjì 
(But can't hide her age)

她蹒跚地 还想牵你手
tā pánshān de hái xiǎng qiān nǐ shǒu 
(She staggers but still wants to hold your hands)

wǎng suìyuè lǐ duō zǒu zǒu 
(And walk on for a few more years)

赶路的人哪 别害怕 山高路遥
gǎnlù de rén nǎ bié hàipà shāngāo lù yáo 
(Those who are rushing on the road , don't be afraid of long roads and high hills)

阿嬷说 有哭就有笑
ā ma shuō yǒu kū jiù yǒu xiào 
(Grandma said if there is crying, there will be laughing) 

外头偶尔地 摔个跤 没大不了
wàitou ǒu'ěr dì shuāi gè jiāo méi dàbùliǎo 
(When you are out there, falling down occasionally is no big deal.) 

shéi zhǎng dà méi zhuàng jǐ gè bāo 
(Who hasn't had a few bumps when growing up?)

回家的人哪 好不好 早一点到
huí jiā de rén nǎ hǎobù hǎo zǎo yīdiǎn dào
(Those who are going home, please come earlier)

你的年 是家的分秒
nǐ de nián shì jiā de fēn miǎo 
(Your every year is every minute and second of home)

岁岁的除夕 比平日 都要热闹
suì suì de chúxì bǐ píngrì dōu yào rènào 
(Every New Year's Eve is more lively than usual)

那一晚 她却睡得呀 那么好
nà yī wǎn tā què shuì dé ya nàme hǎo
(But on that night, she sleeps very well)

赶路的人哪 回头看 磕磕绊绊
gǎn lù de rén nǎ huítóu kàn kēkebànbàn
( Those who are on the road look back and stumble)

你瞧你 不是也做到
nǐ qiáo nǐ bùshì yě zuò dào
(Look at yourself, You still did it)

心里那束光 引我们 天涯海角
xīnlǐ nà shù guāng yǐn wǒmen tiānyáhǎijiǎo 
(The light in our hearts leads us to the ends of the earth)

灯下 她身影那么小
dēng xià tā shēnyǐng nàme xiǎo 
(Under the lamp, her figure is so small)

勇敢的人哪 会更好 阿嬷说过
yǒnggǎn de rén nǎhuì gèng hǎo ā ma shuōguò 
(Brave people will be better in life,  Grandma once said)

tiān duì nǔlì de rén bù báo
(God is kind to those who work hard)

耐心等等看 福气呀 也许明早
nàixīn děng děng kàn fúqi ya yěxǔ míngzǎo 
(Wait patiently and see what luck may come tomorrow morning.)

会敲敲咱家的门呀 笑呀笑
huì qiāo qiāo zán jiā de mén ya xiào ya xiào
(Will knock on our door, with smiles and laughter)

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