Cdrama Perfect Match starring Lu Yuxiao and Wang Xingyue, with Wu Xuanyi as the featured star, and Ni Hongjie and Huang Shengchi as special stars. (卢昱晓、王星越, 吴宣仪, 倪虹洁、黄圣池)
Chinese Drama Perfect Match or Wu Fu Lin Men tells the hilarious story of the Li family who went to search of a good marriages and started a business in Beijing during the reign of Emperor Renzong of the Northern Song Dynasty. The proudest thing in Li's life was that she had five beautiful daughters. T he daughters were all famous in Luoyang for their beauty and talent, but it took a long time for them to get married, which became a concern for Madam Li. So she made a bold statement to go to Beijing to find a good match for her daughters.
孑然一身天地间 谁来为我牵红线?
Jiérán yīshēn tiāndì jiān shéi lái wèi wǒ qiān hóngxiàn?
(I am all alone in this world, who will help me find love?)
桃花有怨 月老狡辩 春光总是那么远
Táohuā yǒu yuàn yuè lǎo jiǎobiàn chūnguāng zǒng shì nàme yuǎn
(Peach blossoms complain, matchmaker argues, spring is always so far away)
茫茫人海欠一面 走在桥上又擦肩
mángmáng rén hǎi qiàn yīmiàn zǒu zài qiáo shàng yòu cā jiān
(In the vast sea of people, we missed each other, we pass each other on the bridge)
凤冠无言 霞帔搁浅 如花岁月似尘烟
fèngguān wú yán xiápèi gēqiǎn rúhuā suìyuè sì chényān
(The phoenix coronet headgear is speechless, the bridal robe is stranded, the passed years are like dust and smoke)
然后你就出现 从此红鸾有了脸
ránhòu nǐ jiù chūxiàn cóngcǐ hóng luán yǒule liǎn
(Then you appear, and from then on, the red luan (mytical bird) has a face)
笑意藏在眉间 飞啊飞啊上青天
xiào yì cáng zài méi jiān fēi a fēi a shàng qīngtiān
(The smile is hidden between the eyebrows, flying and flying to the sky)
然后爱就蔓延 哭了笑了有人怜
ránhòu ài jiù mànyán kūle xiàole yǒurén lián
(Then love spreads, crying and laughing, someone pities me)
你宠溺的瞬间 我已不想做神仙
nǐ chǒng nì de shùnjiān wǒ yǐ bùxiǎng zuò shénxiān
(The moment you pamper me, I don’t want to be a fairy anymore)
bùxiǎng zuò shénxiān
(I don’t want to be a fairy)
孑然一身天地间 谁来为我牵红线?
Jiérán yīshēn tiāndì jiān shéi lái wèi wǒ qiān hóngxiàn?
(I am all alone in this world, who will help me find love?)
桃花有怨 月老狡辩 春光总是那么远
Táohuā yǒu yuàn yuè lǎo jiǎobiàn chūnguāng zǒng shì nàme yuǎn
(Peach blossoms complain, matchmaker argues, spring is always so far away)
茫茫人海欠一面 走在桥上又擦肩
mángmáng rén hǎi qiàn yīmiàn zǒu zài qiáo shàng yòu cā jiān
(In the vast sea of people, we missed each other, we pass each other on the bridge)
凤冠无言 霞帔搁浅 如花岁月似尘烟
fèngguān wú yán xiápèi gēqiǎn rúhuā suìyuè sì chényān
(The phoenix coronet headgear is speechless, the bridal robe is stranded, the passed years are like dust and smoke)
然后你就出现 从此红鸾有了脸
ránhòu nǐ jiù chūxiàn cóngcǐ hóng luán yǒule liǎn
(Then you appear, and from then on, the red luan (mytical bird) has a face)
笑意藏在眉间 飞啊飞啊上青天
xiào yì cáng zài méi jiān fēi a fēi a shàng qīngtiān
(The smile is hidden between the eyebrows, flying and flying to the sky)
然后爱就蔓延 哭了笑了有人怜
ránhòu ài jiù mànyán kūle xiàole yǒurén lián
(Then love spreads, crying and laughing, someone pities me)
你宠溺的瞬间 我已不想做神仙
nǐ chǒng nì de shùnjiān wǒ yǐ bùxiǎng zuò shénxiān
(The moment you pamper me, I don’t want to be a fairy anymore)
bùxiǎng zuò shénxiān
(I don’t want to be a fairy)
然后你就出现 从此红鸾有了脸
ránhòu nǐ jiù chūxiàn cóngcǐ hóng luán yǒule liǎn
(Then you appear, and from then on, the red luan (mytical bird) has a face)
笑意藏在眉间 飞啊飞啊上青天
xiào yì cáng zài méi jiān fēi a fēi a shàng qīngtiān
(The smile is hidden between the eyebrows, flying and flying to the sky)
然后爱就蔓延 哭了笑了有人怜
ránhòu ài jiù mànyán kūle xiàole yǒurén lián
(Then love spreads, crying and laughing, someone pities me)
你宠溺的瞬间 我已不想做神仙
nǐ chǒng nì de shùnjiān wǒ yǐ bùxiǎng zuò shénxiān
(The moment you pamper me, I don’t want to be a fairy anymore)
bùxiǎng zuò shénxiān
(I don’t want to be a fairy)
bùxiǎng zuò shénxiān
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